Sporran represents Primary 4 on the school's Pupil Council. He says: The best part of being a Pupil Council representative is taking people round the school. I enjoy the discussions that we have. I like coming up with ideas.

Lang Syne and Corbett are the class representatives on the school's Eco-Schools group.
Lang Syne writes: When I go to an Eco-Schools meeting I meet up with some other Eco-Schools reps and we discuss things that are going on in the school that affect the environment. I enjoy being one of Primary 4's Eco-Schools reps because I feel that I am helping the school to get their Green Flag.
Corbett writes: I am a member of the Eco-Schools group. It is fun. We once set up a game. You had to find letters to add up to a word, Green Flag. We do things about Recycling, Reuse, Reduce. We also try and care about nature. I enjoy it sooooo much!

Reidcoat represents Primary 4 on the school Health Group.
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