Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Sports Day

On Sports Day we held a European Olympic Games. All the pupils in the school were in teams. There were twelve teams altogether. Each team represented a country in Europe. In the morning we did lots of activities e.g. discus, hurdles, hockey, football, javelin. In the afternoon we did athletics and ran races e.g. sprint, triathlon, marathon. Everyone agreed that the day was a lot of fun. The winning team was Poland, second was Italy and third was Finland.


Monday, 16 June 2008

Writing comments to Kuvansin koulu

We enjoyed looking at the photos of Stirling Bear in Kuvansin koulu. Here we are using the iBooks to write comments on this blog.


Raising money to help others

In Yester Primary School we sometimes do special activities to raise money to help others who are not as fortunate as we are.

We held a "Back to Front" day when, for 50p, we could come to school wearing our clothes back to front! We raised money to help UNICEF provide clean water for children and adults in The Gambia, in Africa.

We also took part in Save the Children's "Friendship Funday". This time, we paid 50p to bring a toy or game to school so that we could share it with a friend or friends. The whole school raised a lot of money to help children all over the world.


A parcel from Kuvansi

We were all very excited when a parcel arrived at school on a Friday morning. Stirling Bear had come home from her Finnish holidays! She came back with some Finnish sweets and a postcard of where she had been in Finland.

We also received a package of handwritten Finnish poems and we were all very interested to see if Finnish handwriting is done in the same style as ours. We discovered that they are different.

We are all happy to have Stirling Bear back with us. Thank you, our friends in Kuvansi.


Tuesday, 3 June 2008


Sporran represents Primary 4 on the school's Pupil Council. He says: The best part of being a Pupil Council representative is taking people round the school. I enjoy the discussions that we have. I like coming up with ideas.

Lang Syne and Corbett are the class representatives on the school's Eco-Schools group.

Lang Syne writes: When I go to an Eco-Schools meeting I meet up with some other Eco-Schools reps and we discuss things that are going on in the school that affect the environment. I enjoy being one of Primary 4's Eco-Schools reps because I feel that I am helping the school to get their Green Flag.

Corbett writes: I am a member of the Eco-Schools group. It is fun. We once set up a game. You had to find letters to add up to a word, Green Flag. We do things about Recycling, Reuse, Reduce. We also try and care about nature. I enjoy it sooooo much!

Reidcoat represents Primary 4 on the school Health Group.