A project linking Yester Primary School, in Scotland, with Kuvansin koulu Primary School, in Finland.
An Etwinning Project...
The Header Images...
Each time you visit "A Healthy Passport", an image of either Gifford or Kuvansi is shown at the top of the blog, behind the title. There are a total of 8 different images- 2 each from summer in Scotland and Finland, and 2 each from winter in both countries- and they appear randomly. Keep visiting, and see if you can spot them all!
Curriculum for Excellence...
One of the aims central to our blog is that it will help our children to increase their ability to be successful learners - confident individuals - responsible citizens - and effective contributors. These are the four aims of A Curriculum for Excellence. A Curriculum for Excellence is central to the Scottish Government's 'Ambitious, Excellent Schools' reform agenda.The LTScotland website gives more details
Yester Primary is a rural primary school in Scotland. The current school role is around 165, with one class per stage from P1 to P7. Kuvansin koulu, in Finland, is also rural, with currently around 125 pupils, in six classes, aged 6 to 12.
Both schools hope to use this blog to exchange information about each other and to find out a bit about each other’s cultures
International Education is something that Yester Primary school staff are very interested in developing. Early in 2007, two of the staff, Fiona Edwards and Michael Purves decided to look at ways of linking Yester with schools from other countries. After researching the idea, the school registered with Etwinning.net, an international organisation that helps schools from different countries make links with each other.It was always hoped that we would make a link with a Finnish school; as Finland is top of the list of countries that the Scottish Executive recommends for links. As Michael Purves had also spent a highly enjoyable family holiday in 2006 in Finland, it seemed a natural choice.By June 2007, we had found a partner- and Jyrki Ikonen from the Kuvansin koulu school near to Varkaus had agreed to join us in our project, which we are calling “A Healthy Passport”. Over the course of the next school year, until June 2008, we plan to get children from both schools to exchange information on a range of subjects, allowing them to find out as much as possible about each country’s schools, villages and the cultures of Scotland and Finland themselves.
1 Comment:
Ict was good fun I didn't want to stop it
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