Tuesday, 3 June 2008


Sporran represents Primary 4 on the school's Pupil Council. He says: The best part of being a Pupil Council representative is taking people round the school. I enjoy the discussions that we have. I like coming up with ideas.

Lang Syne and Corbett are the class representatives on the school's Eco-Schools group.

Lang Syne writes: When I go to an Eco-Schools meeting I meet up with some other Eco-Schools reps and we discuss things that are going on in the school that affect the environment. I enjoy being one of Primary 4's Eco-Schools reps because I feel that I am helping the school to get their Green Flag.

Corbett writes: I am a member of the Eco-Schools group. It is fun. We once set up a game. You had to find letters to add up to a word, Green Flag. We do things about Recycling, Reuse, Reduce. We also try and care about nature. I enjoy it sooooo much!

Reidcoat represents Primary 4 on the school Health Group.


Anonymous said...

I'm in the eco group for primary 5 I hope we make our school eco friendly.

Anonymous said...

golden eagle here,were all in p5 now so we have added another three to the eco group!Me,tod and monarch,were all excited about our first eco meeting!

Anonymous said...

Hi I hope you had a great holiday.

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm Crannog and I am now on the Health Group. I am responsable for the schoool to be healthy. I enjoy being part of it!

Anonymous said...

do you have any groups at your school like an eco schools group or anything like that.